Saturday, March 11, 2006

This is NOT fun!

After I ranted and raved over cute little Bella yesterday, I was SOOOOO excited to get to go see her. Well, at 5am my stomach decided it didn't want me to see Bella...and it didn't want me to sleep...and it didn't want me to leave the bathroom for 3 hours. I am not sure if it's food poisoning or the stomach bug (Marty is feeling flu like symptoms today too...but none of this fun stuff like me...lucky guy!). All I know is that it is NOT the most fun I have ever had in all my life. My back hurts. My arms hurt. My legs hurt. My knees hurt. I'm thirsty. I'm hungry...wait, no I'm not...yes I am...AH!!! I can't walk to the fridge without feeling like I have something attached to me sucking every bit of energy out of me. I'm cold. I'm sweating. It's Marty's Spring Break and all we can do is lay on the couch and not take care of the to do list I so neatly planned for us to do. So, just in case you were wondering...we are having a blast over here.

1 comment:

AJ Fabulous said...

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling good! I hope you feel better soon. On a brighter note...Duke was the first #1 seed in the NCAA Tourney! HOORAY!